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April meeting: Straw Poll, Dr. Quentin Kidd

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg

Vote in our first-ever Straw Poll at our April meeting on Thursday, April 15 at 7 pm. Join us on Zoom and cast your vote among the Democrats running for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General. Dr. Quentin Kidd, professor of political science and director of the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University, will share his analysis of statewide races and discuss our Straw Poll results. Note: voting is limited to Zoom participants who Democrats in Williamsburg or James City County. Join by Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86489389479?pwd=NnJDc01oYWdnNi9LMW9ZYnkrNHhTUT09 or join by phone: (301) 715-8592 Meeting ID: 864 8938 9479 Passcode: 736591

Campaign Kickoff Rally for Mike Mullin

Historic Triangle Dems Headquarters 113K Palace Lane, Williamsburg

Come out and join Mike as he launches his campaign for re-election to the 93rd House District  Mike will be joined by guest speakers Congresswoman Elaine Luria, State Sen. Monty Mason, Del. Jay Jones and Newport News Dems Chair Latoya Breckenridge.  Yard signs available! Bring your mask, or drive up and tune into FM radio to join us. Can't attend? Contribute to Mike's re-election efforts here Questions? Contact Amber Rivera at [email protected]

Mark Downey Fundraiser on Zoom

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg

Please join a virtual fundraiser in support of Mark Downey, M.D., candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, 96th district. Special guest is Del. David Reid from Loudoun County.

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