Events for April 18, 2024 - July 9, 2023

Jessica Anderson Campaign Kickoff

Windsor Forest Clubhouse 108 Wyndham Way, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Come celebrate with Jess Anderson for her Campaign Kick-Off, April 15th, Saturday, from 6-8pm! Special guest speaker and a chance to enjoy community, hors d’oeuvres, dessert and drinks. Sign up here.

April meeting: the reproductive health crisis with Tara Keene

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg, VA, United States

Attacks on reproductive rights are increasing, and we are only one State Senate seat away from passage of anti-abortion bills here in Virginia. Join us this Thursday night to hear more from ReproRising Virginia's executive director Tarina Keene about what's happening and how we can help. We'll also get campaign updates from our candidates and their staffs.  Don't miss our April meeting! Register here.

Monty’s 9th College Creek Cleanup

New Hope Road, Williamsburg, VA New Hope Road, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Help remove litter and debris from College Creek. Invite your friends to this annual event!

Fundraiser for Lisa Ownby

Jen Tierney's home 2824 Linden Lane, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Join us to help raise funds for Lisa Ownby for Supervisor. We need Lisa's vote if we want responsible growth, high-quality schools and renewable energy in James City County's future.

May meeting

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg, VA, United States

What can we do about gun violence? Lori Haas, who got involved in gun violence issues after her daughter was wounded in the Virginia Tech mass shooting, will speak to us about solutions to gun violence.  She is advocacy manager for the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions.  Join us! Register here!

Fundraiser for Jessica Anderson

Home of Liz Allison & Mike Levine 2130 Lake Powell Rd, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Join Jessica Anderson, candidate for the Virginia 71st House of Delegates, for a fundraiser at the home of Mike Levine and Liz Allison. Christine Payne is co-host.

Caucus filing deadlines 5 pm

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg, VA, United States

Persons wishing to file for the Democratic nomination for local offices in the Historic Triangle or for the House of Delegates 69th District seat MUST FILE BY 5 PM ON FRIDAY, JUNE 9.  Historic Triangle Democrats call to caucus for local constitutional and board of supervisors seats has details and links to the nomination form. You can read it here. The House of Delegates 69th District call to caucus has details and links to its nomination form. You can read it here. If there is only one applicant for an office at the close of filing and the person meets the requirements for filing, the caucus for the office will be cancelled. For further information, please contact Jen Tierney, Chair, Historic Triangle Democrats, at [email protected] or (619) 851-5462.

Annual Pride Celebration

Jen Tierney's home 2824 Linden Lane, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Join us Saturday, June 10, from 3 to 5 pm, as we gather in Jen Tierney's lovely garden at 2824 Linden Lane for our second annual Gay Pride get-together. It's more important than ever that we gather in support of human rights -- to let people be who they are, without fear of reprisal or discrimination. We'll have fried chicken and all the fixings, homemade desserts, trivia and crafts for kids of all ages. Tickets are free but sponsorships are welcome. We hope to see you there.

Fundraiser for Sen. Monty Mason with special guest Sen. Mark Warner

The Hound's Tale Kitchen 501 Prince George St, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Fundraiser to Re-Elect Senator Monty Mason from 4:30 to 6:30 pm with special guest Sen. Mark Warner at Hound's Tale Kitchen, 501 Prince George St, Williamsburg. Donate and RSVP here.

Colonists Indivisible Meet & Greet at Corner Pocket

The Corner Pocket 4805 Courthouse St., Williamsburg, VA, United States

Join Ford's Colony friends and neighbors to hear from candidates Jessica Anderson for House of Delegates and Pamela Garner for State Senate. Food and beverages available for purchase.

Historic Triangle Dems June meeting IN PERSON

Historic Triangle Dems Headquarters 113K Palace Lane, Williamsburg, VA, United States

Join us for an IN-PERSON meeting this Thursday, the first in-person meeting we've had since the pandemic. We'll be talking about campaigns from the General Assembly to boards of supervisors and school boards. We can't wait to see you! Please bring a snack or a drink to share if you can. We will be meeting in person in July as well, this time in York County. Details will follow soon!

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