Events for March 1, 2021 - November 3, 2020

WJCC Dems May meeting

Hear Scott Stevens, JCC County Administrator talk about the county opening up, the county budget, and how JCC can recover from Covid-19.

1st CD Democratic Candidate Forum

on Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube Live

Hear Qasim Rashid and Vangie Williams in a 90-minute candidate forum on Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube.

Happy Hour with Elaine’s team

We hope you'll join us as we catch up, socialize, and make some plans for volunteer activities for our 2nd District Congresswoman, Elaine Luria. Email us to reserve your seat!

WJCC Dems July meeting

Our July meeting will be on Zoom.  Email us to get a link to the event.

Request your absentee ballot TODAY!

Today would be a good day to request your absentee ballot. Make sure you have your Virginia driver's license and Social Security numbers handy.

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