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Virginia 2020 Campaign Kickoff, COVID-style

Labor Day is traditionally the big kickoff day for canvassing in political campaigns -- but COVID means we can't campaign in person this year.  So we're doing the next best thing -- a car caravan to build excitement and awareness for our great slate of candidates and to remind people how important it is to vote (and vote early) in this election. Please join us Saturday, September 5th for our Virginia Victory 2020 Campaign Kick-Off, COVID Style! Our car caravan will assemble at 1:30 pm, when we’ll gather to decorate our cars. Bring signs and masks. We'll have window chalk and streamers to share.  We'll practice social distancing AND get fired up for our great candidates. The caravan will begin at 2 pm. RSVP here to receive a link to the assembly point and route -- and we hope you'll join us.

WJCC Dems August meeting: Voting 2020

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg

Join us via Zoom or phone to hear from our local voter registrars about voting early by mail or in person. Email us for a link!

Piney Creek Neighbors Meet and Greet with Elaine Luria

on Zoom and by phone Williamsburg

Join Piney Creek's Neighbors United for Change group for a meet and greet with special guest, Congresswoman Elaine Luria. Learn what we can do to help re-elect Elaine -- named the third most effective member of Congress in her first term. For a Zoom invitation, please register here.

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